Group members
Julian established his laboratory in the Department of Plant Sciences at the University of Cambridge in 2001. Since then, nineteen post- doctoral researchers, nineteen PhD students, and five research assistants have been part of the lab. The group is currently seventeen-strong. Read more about them below.

Julian Hibberd
Julian did his PhD with John Farrar and Bob Whitbread at Bangor University. He then moved to post-doctoral positions with Julie Scholes, Paul Quick and Malcolm Press in Sheffield, and then John Gray in Cambridge. He started his own group in Cambridge while holding a BBSRC Sir David Phillips Fellowship. Julian’s interests in plant biology have focussed on various aspects of photosynthesis, but most work relates to the evolution and function of the C4 pathway.
Julian represented the photosynthesis and metabolism community from 2005-2012 on the Plant Section committee of the Society of Experimental Biology, and in 2013 was elected as a European Representative of the International Photosynthesis Society. He has served on numerous BBSRC committees, and from 2012-2022 was an Associate Editor of Plant Physiology. Julian is currently a team leader within both the C4 Rice Project, on the Management Board of the Sainsbury Laboratory Cambridge University, and is Head of the Plant Sciences Department.
Current members
Post-Doctoral Research Associates

Lei Hua
Lei got his PhD in Crop Genetics and Breeding at China Agricultural University in 2015, during his PhD study, he identified and characterized a domestication gene controlling long and barbed awns from the progenitor of cultivated rice, common wild rice (Oryza rufipogon). Lei joined Hibberd lab in 2016; he is investigating the regulatory mechanisms of cell-specific gene expression in C3 leaves.

Tianshu Sun
Tianshu got her PhD in 2018 at Peking University, where she studied the genetic basis of adaptation to alpine environments in Arabidopsis thaliana populations in Tibet. Later, she worked as a research assistant at the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science and focused on population genomics and transcriptomics in crop plants. She joined the Hibberd lab in November 2020 where she is currently investigating the regulation of photosynthesis gene expression variation at intra- and interspecific levels using genomics approaches such as eQTL-mapping and single-cell sequencing.

Caijin Chen
Caijin got her PhD in plant molecular genetics in 2021 in University of Aberdeen, UK, where she worked on genome-wide association mapping of salt tolerance and arsenic accumulation in rice. Caijin joined the Hibberd Lab in September 2021, she will be working to increase chloroplast content of rice bundle sheath cells to resemble more closely the bundle sheath of C4 leaves.

Rohan Richard
Rohan got his PhD at the University of Reading in 2023 where he studied the stability of QTL associated to bread-making quality traits and conducted a QTL analysis on the trait Grain Protein Deviation (GPD) in wheat. He also investigated the senescence dynamic in the mapping population and performed a QTL detection for senescence traits. Since April 2023, he is hosted joinly by the Hibberd and Kromdijk labs where he is finalizing the development of a Cleome gynandra mapping population and carrying out association analysis on C. gynandra photosynthetic traits.

Kumari Billakurthi
Kumari got her PhD in December 2018 from Heinrich Heine University, Germany. She had performed EMS mutagenesis and activation tagging screens in Arabidopsis thaliana and had analysed comparative transcriptomics of leaf developmental gradients from C3 and C4 Flaveria species to identify novel genes that determine C4 leaf anatomy. She then continued in the same group as a postdoctoral researcher until the end of 2019. In April 2020, she has joined the Hibberd’s group as a research associate to investigate how chloroplasts biogenesis is regulated by cell division patterns in rice (Oryza sativa) bundle sheath cells.
PhD students

Anoop Tripathi
Anoop is Gates Cambridge PhD Scholar working on various aspects of grafting and somatic hybridization. Prior to this, he worked as a Senior Research Technician in the Hibberd lab where he was involved in establishing the method of monocot grafting which overturned the long-standing consensus that monocots cannot graft. Back in India he worked as a Senior Research Fellow at the National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (ICAR-NBPGR), New Delhi, where his research focused on understanding the gene regulatory networks in cereal crops. He has a Masters in Biochemistry from the University of Lucknow, India.

Ella Mason
Ella is a PhD student investigating the mechanisms underpinning cell type-specific gene expression in the C4 species Gynandropsis gynandra by looking at the extent of conservation of various cis and trans factors across the genomes of a NAM population. In Cambridge, she has previously worked on VIGS in faba beans in Natasha Yelina’s group at the Crop Science Centre (Natural Sciences Part II project) and as a lab technician in Uta Paskowski’s Cereal Symbiosis group.
Masters Students
Research staff

Susan Stanley
Susan is in charge of keeping the lab running! She has been instrumental in developing the transformation pipeline that we use for Gynandropsis gynandra. She is also responsible for plant and seed stock maintenance, ordering lab stocks, and time permitting, helps with specific research projects in the lab. She joined the lab in 2000 after having worked in Industry.

Na Wang
Na did her MSc in Plant Genetics and Breeding at CAU (China Agricultural University), then she went to Biotech center of Beijing Da Bei Nong Technology Group Co. Ltd., she got 5 years rich experience of cereal genetic transformation there. She joined the Hibberd lab in 2017 as a research technician.

Zara Guppy
Zara will mostly be supporting the work of Dr Kumari Billakurthi, looking at the regulation of chloroplast biogenesis.